Jong Soo Park
About Jong Soo Park
게시일 2023.02.19  | 최종수정일 2023.02.19

Grand Master Jong Soo Park 

Master Park was born in 1941 in Chung-Nam, Korea. He holds a 9th Dan black belt in Tae Kwon-Do. At the age of 14, and since then, he has been the instructor of the Police Training Centre of Chun Bok in Korea and of the famed Tiger Division of the Korean Army.

In 1964, he became Korean National Champion, and in 1965 he made a trip on request of the Korean Government, as a member of the Goodwill Mission for Tae Kwon-Do, demonstrating this art before the highest civil and military authorities of the countries they visited. In that same year, he was invited to Germany as the coach of the German Tae Kwon-Do Association.

In 1966, he left Germany to go to Holland where he founded the Netherlands Tae Kwon-Do Association. In the beginning of 1968, he left for Canada and now has his own schools in the Greater Toronto Area.

In November 1973, Master Park made another world trip to promote Tae Kwon-Do in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Master Park is known as one of the world's greatest Tae Kwon-Do experts.

태권도 역사 산증인 박종수 원로 별세… 향년 80세


해방 이후 태권도 태동기에 세계를 돌며 태권도를 알리고 개척에 힘썼던 박종수 원로가 별세했다. 향년 80세.

68년 캐나다로 이주한 박종수 원로는 지난 27일(현지시각) 토론토 서니브룩 병원에서 폐암으로 별세했다.

[아래 내용 참조]